Make your Flutter App look professional with custom fonts

Adding custom fonts to your flutter app is really simple and one thing that every developer should be taking advantage of. First we need to download the font we would like to use. I will be getting the SourceSansPro font from After its downloaded we will open the zip file and extract the .ttf we need (in my case ill use -Regular). After we have the font downloaded we need to move the ....

September 1, 2020 · 2 min · 250 words · Fahad

[SOLVED] Plugin 'Dart' is incompatible; Plugin 'Flutter' is incompatible

I recently started seeing this error after upgrading my Android Studio version. After some debugging, I found out the solution, and it's pretty simple. Plugin "Dart" is incompatible (target build range is 191.6707 to 191.*). Plugin "Flutter" is incompatible (target build range is 191.6707 to 191.*). Go to File -> Settings, then select Plugins from the left hand side. You want to make sure that Dart and Flutter is using the latest version and Enabled....

July 31, 2020 · 1 min · 85 words · Fahad

How to properly sign your Flutter apps before uploading to the Android App Store

Before publishing to the Google Play Store you need to have a digital signature for your app. If someone was able to get your login details they still would not be able to upload a new release of your app because only you have the keystore on your computer. It's really simple and easy to accomplish this and can be done under 5mins. The command you need is: Windows: 1 keytool -genkey -v -keystore c:\\Users\\USER_NAME\\key....

July 7, 2020 · 2 min · 418 words · Fahad